New feature in SQL 2005 Server | SQL Server Performance Forums

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New feature in SQL 2005 Server

I was informed by vendor that there is one feature in SQL 2005, which will allow us to store any form of data i.e. txt,xml,excel etc.. in our database. I wanted to know, do we really have anything more than Text data type in SQL 2005 or any advanced feature to store just type of large data in database.
Please provide your inputs. Thanks and Regards
Ravi K
Yes XML data type is available on SQL server 2005 The original approach was to store XML documents as character large objects (CLOBs), which requires adding columns containing extracted atomic values or full-text searches to locate specific document instances, nodes, or values. Shredding documents into a set of relational columns is another alternative, but involves complex hierarchical-to-relational mapping. All major players in the relational database management market now have strategies for implementing Part 14 of the ANSI SQL 2003 standard. Part 14, "XML-Related Specifications (SQL/XML)," defines a modified XML Infoset data type that has sets of operators, publishing functions, and rules for mapping SQL to XML components but doesn#%92t support association with an XML schema. SQL Server 2005 will enable queries to portions of an XML document, validation of the document against an XML schema, and even modification of the XML document in place. As for the underlying representation, the XML data is stored as a binary large object (BLOB), which enables the database to perform compression whenever possible. Refer to the books online for more information and please post thread in relevant forums only. Satya SKJ
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
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