New Setup Questions… | SQL Server Performance Forums

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New Setup Questions…

OK. Which setup would you choose ? 3 possible setups:
8 drives raid 10 data files
2 drives raid 1 tempdb
2 drives raid 1 all tranlogs (2)
4 drives raid 10 data files
4 drives raid 10 tempdb
4 drives raid 10 all tranlogs (3)
4 drives raid 10 data files
4 drives raid 10 tempdb
2 drives raid 1 tranlog for biggest db
2 drives raid 1 tranlog all other dbs DB is used mostly for ‘everything’ read:write ratio is 8:1
I’m looking for opinions esp. on performance..

How big is DB?
The disks are 10K or 15K?
Is sql server dedicated? Luis Martin
Moderator All in Love is Fair
Stevie Wonder
All postings are provided “AS IS” with no warranties for accuracy.
Disks are 15K.
Main DB with most traffic (90%+) is 50GB
Other 10 or so low traffic DBs are another 50GB or so.
Server is dedicated to one instance on SQL Server (nothing else) I guess the main question is how much speed, if any do I gain/loose be moving from RAID 1 to RAID 10 for tran logs and/or temp db. (1 vs 2) Also, how much speed do I gain from splitting log for main db from others (ex. 3) As the side note.. TempDB (2 datafiles) and TempDBLOG will be on same, separate drive.
I’ll wait for Joe, but if I have to choose I think in 1). BTW: I’ve moved to relevant forum.
Luis Martin
Moderator All in Love is Fair
Stevie Wonder
All postings are provided “AS IS” with no warranties for accuracy.
10 disks for all data, temp, other log
2 disks for main db logs VERY VERY IMPORTANT
the advice is NOT separate data and logs: as in multiple logs on one array
you lose the benefits of very fast sequential writes to disk if there is more than 1 load.
the advice is each busy log needs its own dedicated drives this is actually only true if you want to support > 200 very low latency writes/sec
in some circumstance, you don’t need to also, this makes it difficult to do database consolidation, as too many drives would be required for logs
i think ssd needs to be investigated for many busy db on 1 server