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Open Transactions – quick help.

Hi, I have these two scripts that essentially do the same: 1)
SELECT spid, cmd, status, loginame, open_tran, datediff(s, last_batch, getdate ()) AS [WaitTime(s)]
FROM master..sysprocesses p
WHERE open_tran > 0
AND datediff (s, last_batch, getdate ()) > 30
ANd EXISTS (SELECT * FROM master..syslockinfo l
WHERE req_spid = p.spid AND rsc_type <> 2) 2)
select count (*), max(waittime/1000) from sysprocesses where status <> ‘background’ and cmd not in (‘signal handler’, ‘lock monitor’, ‘log writer’, ‘lazy writer’, ‘checkpoint sleep’, ‘awaiting command’) and open_tran <>0 having max(waittime/1000)>30 Please help me on which would be more accurate for getting open trans? Do I need the join for syslocks? W/O it, it seems to get the same data? The first one joins on syslocks and uses datediff on last_batch, where the second just get it where max waitime is greater than 30. What are the differences! THANKS!
Is it for SQL2000 or 2005? Satya SKJ
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
Writer, Contributing Editor & Moderator
This posting is provided AS IS with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing. Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves or we know where we can find information on it.
Well, originated in 2000, but works on 2005 (backward compatibility). I should have posted maybe in 2000. Answers?
I’m trying to get blocks and active open trans to return a count for each (should be one row returned by doesn’t_ select
case when blocked > 0 then count(blocked) else 0 end as blocked,
case when open_tran > 0 then count(open_tran) else 0 end as open_trans–, max(waittime/1000)
from master..sysprocesses p
where status <> ‘background’ and cmd not in (‘signal handler’, ‘lock monitor’, ‘log writer’, ‘lazy writer’, ‘checkpoint sleep’, ‘awaiting command’)
and (open_tran >0
ANd EXISTS (SELECT * FROM master..syslockinfo l
WHERE req_spid = p.spid AND rsc_type <> 2)) or blocked <>0
group by blocked, open_tran
having max(waittime/1000)>5