optimizing sql server for concurrent querries | SQL Server Performance Forums

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optimizing sql server for concurrent querries

Today when I tried to create new database and add login through EM I was shocked that it was taking more than half an our to open.I checked event viewer and got the following informational message.
This SQL Server has been optimized for 8 concurrent queries. This limit has been exceeded by 52 queries and performance may be adversely affected. I discovered that this problem has arised due to personal edition of sql server.
Now the situation is this server has 90 databases and all are live.I cant do the migration to enterprise edition as it will give down time.Now I am wondering how to optimize personal edition for atleast 300 concurrent queries.

This error message is normal for SQL2K personal edition and MSDE since they have concurrent query limitations which can’t be changed. You have to migrate the databases to STANDARD or ENTERPRISE edition in order to avoid further downtime. Satya SKJ
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