oracl query support | SQL Server Performance Forums

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oracl query support

Hi i am trying to query oracle from SSRS and so far successful but when i try to do this: select testname, testid
from test
where testname like ‘%’+upper(?) +’%’ then get error saying that invalid number i know i could do something like that in SQL but having trouble in oracle! i am doing that so in parameter user don’t have to put % !! thanks
You need to write a query that complies to Oracle’s version of SQL. Not sure what UPPER() does in Oracle. Pretty sure the question mark will cause a problem – AFAIK this is acceptable only in a constant expression, not in ‘bare’ script.
? is act as prameter just like @parameter!! Thanks!!
Are you calling sp_msforeachtable or sp_msforeachdb? That’s the only application of the question mark as a parameter I’m aware of, and I doubt that you could call that against an Oracle server.
no i am calling on regular query with odbc connection to Oracle database! Thanks!!
I know this is not what you’re doing, but anyway — when I execute your statement against SQL Server, I get the following error: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]COUNT field incorrect or syntax error
quote:then get error saying that invalid number i know i could do something like that in SQL but having trouble in oracle!
Can’t quite follow what you’re saying here.
http://www.developer.com/db/article.php/3524781 fyi on the aspect of getting data from oracle to RS. Satya SKJ
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
Writer, Contributing Editor & Moderator
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