OUTPUT parameter fails | SQL Server Performance Forums

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OUTPUT parameter fails

I Need HELP passing OUTPUT parameter to a stored procedure. HERE IS THE ERROR:
Msg 8162, Level 16, State 2, Procedure spGetID, Line 0
Formal parameter ‘@SourceCode’ was defined as OUTPUT but the actual parameter not declared OUTPUT. WHAT I NEED TO ACCOMPLISH
I run a script that splits the list into several other list. Once that happens each list must be passed to another Stored Procedure to get an id. Please help if you know how to pass OUTPUT parameter to a Stored Procedure
Post the code… Formal parameter ‘@param_name’ was defined as OUTPUT but the actual parameter not declared OUTPUT. This can happen if you are trying to retrieve an output parameter but the stored procedure definition doesn’t explicitly declare the parameter as such. For example: CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.myProc
@param_name INT
… Should be: CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.myProc
@param_name INT OUTPUT

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