Page Splits | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Page Splits

I believe page splits can be monitored through Performance monitor. But i was wondering, is there a way, we could tell what specific objects (tables/indexes) are in question? Appreciated any help.
I don’t think there is any direct way… but I don’t remember any new DMV for this at this time…
But check the following articles to determine and resolve…
Moderator All postings are provided “AS IS” with no warranties for accuracy.

You might experiment with this — I’ve used it in SQL Server 2000; it gives a rough number of splits per object from the log:
select getDate() as collected,
[Object Name],
[Index Name],
count([Current LSN]) as countSplits
from ::fn_dblog(null, null)
where Operation = N’LOP_DELETE_SPLIT’
group by [Object Name], [Index Name]
From here: Might not work in 2005
Here’s a version that seems to work in 2005: select getDate() as collected,
count([Current LSN]) as countSplits
from ::fn_dblog(null, null)
where Operation = N’LOP_DELETE_SPLIT’
group by [AllocUnitName]
Thank you so much for the answer’s. I shall look into this.