performance with compatibility level 80 in 2005 | SQL Server Performance Forums

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performance with compatibility level 80 in 2005

The database in the sql 2005 test environment is running quicker than in the prod of sql server 2000 (same server setups) with compatibility level 90 but due to some programming bugs we will need to go back to level 80. Is there a performance hit if I run with a db on compatibility level 80 in sql server 2005? Thanks, Vin

You may see some difference depends on the usage…
When you change cmpt to 8.0, sql engine has to be changed…new sql engine features will not work..
Very interesting article. Thanks for the info.
quote:Originally posted by MohammedU You may see some difference depends on the usage…
When you change cmpt to 8.0, sql engine has to be changed…new sql engine features will not work..

It is a documented topic in the SQL Server books online, so you have to drill-through other links in this case to be assured. Satya SKJ
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
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