Processing Error | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Processing Error

While processing the cube in the server i got a error msg. I didn’t get the msg when i processed the cube on my local server.
rrors in the OLAP storage engine: The attribute key cannot be found: Table: dbo_v_dim_CoverageGeography, Column: PolicyId, Value: 4239; Table: dbo_v_dim_CoverageGeography, Column: CoverageId, Value: 4315; Table: dbo_v_dim_CoverageGeography, Column: State, Value: CT; Table: dbo_v_dim_CoverageGeography, Column: Country, Value: US. Errors in the OLAP storage engine: The record was skipped because the attribute key was not found. Attribute: v Dim Geography of Dimension: Geography from Database: Adhoc Analysis, Cube: EMRS, Measure Group: Coverage Geography, Partition: v Dim Coverage Geography, Record: 2501. Wht could it be & how can i resolve it. Thanks
Here’s the steps which might help you:
1) look at the processing options
2) at the ‘Dimension key errors’ tab, select the option ‘Use custom error configuration’ and change the settings to ‘Convert to unknown’
thanks for u’r reply..but i still have the error on the particular dim table.
Do you think if i refersh the table the error might go.
quote:Originally posted by emamuthu
rrors in the OLAP storage engine: The attribute key cannot be found: Table: dbo_v_dim_CoverageGeography, Column: PolicyId, Value: 4239; Table: dbo_v_dim_CoverageGeography, Column: CoverageId, Value: 4315; Table: dbo_v_dim_CoverageGeography, Column: State, Value: CT; Table: dbo_v_dim_CoverageGeography, Column: Country, Value: US. Errors in the OLAP storage engine: The record was skipped because the attribute key was not found. Attribute: v Dim Geography of Dimension: Geography from Database: Adhoc Analysis, Cube: EMRS, Measure Group: Coverage Geography, Partition: v Dim Coverage Geography, Record: 2501.

you mean you still have the above error?
It seems, the values which are there in your OLTP table are not in the dimension yet.
So firstly you full process all the dimensions and then process your measure groups.
