Raise Error | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Raise Error

I am using powerbuilder 10.0 with SQL Server 7.0 as the backend.
In my application while saving a particular entry i am getting te following error "Index #0 Message: RAISERROR could not locate entry for error 50001 in sysmessages. NativeError: 2758 Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server SQLState: 42000 No changes made to database. UPDATE uniq_equ_master SET cost_rate = 1633.030 WHERE equ_code = ‘U03458’ "
but the value is updated in the database and showing this message.
when I checked the sysmesssages table from master database, there is no error with value 50001.
Please help me sort out this problem
Thanks & Regards
Thanesh Peer Thanesh
Unique System
Are there any triggers on that table, that could be raising the event?
Try running a profile, tracing statements, errors and exceptions, this might give a better idea.
Also run ChecDB to find out if all database is OK.
Luis Martin
SQL-Server-Performance.com One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one’s work is terribly important
Bertrand Russell Nunca esperes el reconocimiento de tus hijos, eso ocurrirá luego de tu muerte
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