SQL Server Performance Forum – Threads Archive
Recovery Model
I am using sql server 2003. I have several databases and am using all 3 recovery models. I have noticed that in the case of the databases using simple or full recovery model, the log file and data files have the same date modified, however the bulk-logged database has a date last modified data that is one month older than the data file. Why is this so? I have deleted the log file and created a new one and all the data is there. Why are the dates not changing and should i be concerned? If you could help me understand this it would be much appreciated. Thanks, Richard.There is no SQL Server 2003… I think you are talking about Server 2005…. I think file modified data changed when ever file size changes, so check your databases auto grow and auto shrink opitons setting… I don’t think there should be any concern about this… Check the BOL for RECOVERY model details…
I would like to know witch kind of backups do you use for each recovery model. Luis Martin
SQL-Server-Performance.com All in Love is Fair
Stevie Wonder
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MohammedU, I am using Sql Server 2000, sorry about the typo… LuisMartin, all databases are backed up every night via a scheduled job that runs the following: BACKUP DATABASE <dbname> TO DISK = N’B:SQL Server Backups<mybackupname>’ WITH NOINIT , NOUNLOAD, NAME= N'<mybackupname>, NOSKIP , STATS = 10, NOFORMAT I have just noticed that the db using SIMPLE recovery also does use the RETAINDAYS switch, however the BULK-LOGGED has RETAINDAYS set at 35. I wonder if this is having an effect? Other than RETAINDAYS the backup commands/switches are identicle for all my databases. Thanks, richard.
I don’t think RETAINDAYS is nothing do your file data and log files modified date… MohammedU.
If you are running full backup once a day, I don’t see why do you need other recovery model than simple.
Luis Martin
SQL-Server-Performance.com All in Love is Fair
Stevie Wonder
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