reg. upgrade from 2005 ctp to 2005 release | SQL Server Performance Forums

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reg. upgrade from 2005 ctp to 2005 release

Hi ,
I have a SQL server 2005 CTP version can anybody please guide me how to upgrade it to SQL 2005 Release version.
Is there any upgrade option ,I dont see it in release version setup ? Thanks in advance Sudhir
Just guessing, but can’t you detach an attach? Or backup and restore? —
Frank Kalis
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
Heute schon gebloggt?

There is no such upgrade from CTP to RTM releases, you must use DETACH/ATTACH or BACKUP/RESTORE as per Frank’#s reference. Satya SKJ
Contributing Editor & Forums Moderator
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.
I’ll try with detach/attach but just want to know will it create any compatibility issue ? Regards ,
Why did you get that doubt?
As CTP & RTM are same versions there will not be any compatibility issues. Satya SKJ
Contributing Editor & Forums Moderator
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.
Hi ,
Can you please throw some light on the difference between dettach/attach and backup/restore. Functionality I know what to do in backup u get the .bak file and in dettach you just copy the full folder but when to use what and why ?? Thanks in advance.
Hi ,
When we are going for detach/attach how the SQL Server will make metadata abt thses new databases ? Will that might create problem sometime ?? Regards ,
i m not able to restore a backup taken on 2005 ctp to 2005 release ..
can anybody help ?? Regards
Sudhir: what is the error message you are getting… Please post on the forum ! Deepak Kumar –This posting is provided “AS IS” with NO rights for the sake of knowledge sharing. database was backedup on a server running version 9.00.1090.That version is incompatible with this server which is running server 9.00.1399.Either restore the database on a server that supports the backup or use a backup which is compatible with this server.(microsoft.sqlserver.smo). Please help in this reagrd.
I almost tried with everything.Script is the option but database is quite big and thats not a practival solution. Thanks in advance.