Replication Query | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Replication Query

I want to set up tranactional replication on one of the tables in the database. In initial snapshot though will take about 40 hours to copy over and really slows up the network during that time. I don’t really know that much about replication but is it possible to create the snapshot from a CD and then set up the transactional replication atferwards using this inital snapshot? Thanks
you can restore a full backup at subscriber server and while push/pull subscription wizard
it ask you for initialize subscription like: – specify wheather the subscription(s) need to be initialized. and if so, when to start the initialization process.. Does microsoft SQL Server need to initialize the publicaiton schema and data at the subscriber when the subscription is created? you can select ‘NO, the subscriber already has the schema and data’ after restoring through backup file. Deepak Kumar –An eye for an eye and everyone shall be blind