Restore Master DB in a Cluster ??? | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Restore Master DB in a Cluster ???

In order to restore the master database in a SQL Server 2005 cluster(activepassive) I perform the next steps :
1. Identify the node SQL is running
2. Take SQL Server Resource offline
3. Go to the node running SQL and run at command prompt(in the Binn folder) : sqlservr.exe -S tcdpp7xxxxxyyyyyy -m At this point I get this error : " Your SQL Server Installation is either corupt or has been tampered with(Error: Parent iInstance name exceeds maximum length). Please uninstall and rerun setup to correct this error" I am able to connect using sqlcmd using this server name tcdpp7xxxxxyyyyyy but is not working as a sqlservr.exe -S parameter. The other option I tried was to use SQL Configuration Manager and add the -m parameter to the Startup(after taking SQL Server Resource offline). This works but when I try to connect using sqlcmd I get the "only one administrator can connect at this time" error. It looks like the cluster service account is still conecting to SQL Server and I can’t open another connection in single-user mode. I stopped the Cluster service but after that I am not able to start the SQL Server anymore…
I will appreciate if you have any idea about the "name exceeds maximum length" error and also any information that can help me to solve this issue. Thank You !!!
Cluster Administrator, take the SQL Server resources off-line and make sure the
disk, IP address, and network name resources stay online. To start the default instance of SQL Server in single-user mode from a command prompt 1. Start sql in sigle user mode
From a command prompt, enter the following command:
sqlservr.exe -m To start a named instance of SQL Server in single-user mode from a command prompt From a command prompt, enter the following command:
sqlservr.exe -m -s <computer_name>$<instancename> 2. Restore master from cmd…
For a named instance, the sqlcmd command must specify the -S<ComputerName><InstanceName> option.
C:> sqlcmd
1> RESTORE DATABASE master FROM DISK = ‘Z:SQLServerBackupsmaster.bak’;
2> GO
stop the sql services and start from bring resources on in cluster admin… MohammedU.
Hi MohammedU,
It is not working : With : sqlservr.exe -m -s <tcdpp7xxxxx>$<yyyyyy> I get "The syntax of the command is incorrect" With : sqlservr.exe -m -s tcdpp7xxxxx$yyyyyy I get " Your SQL Server Installation is either corupt or has been tampered with(Error: Parent iInstance name exceeds maximum length)" error
I am able to connect using SQLCMD: sqlcmd -s tcdpp7xxxxxyyyyyy
Best Regards
I was able to get the SQL Cluster in single-user mode using just the Instance name : sqlservr.exe -m -s <Instance_Name> Now I have another problem : I am not able to connect using sqlcmd for the restore. I get an error that only one sysadmin can be connected… I was able to connect just one time(I guess I was faster than the cluster service) but in general I am not able to connect .. Any help ???
As I mentioned before…
Cluster Administrator, take the SQL Server resources off-line and make sure the
disk, IP address, and network name resources stay online.
And stop all services related to sql server… Command "sqlservr.exe -m -s <computer_name>$<instancename> " copy and pasted from BOL… may be it is not correct… MohammedU.
Finnaly I found the problem, it was an application account(with sysadmin) preventing me to connect in single-user mode. Thanks again for you response