Restore problem | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Restore problem

Hello, I have got a database on sql2005 instance. I took a full backup of it and did not take any transactional log back up. Then I tried restoring that backup with "standy by/read only" option. now I can not access it even to restore with recovery mode.. what shall I do? archit
If you are full database backup then no need to take transaction log backup, what is the statement you are using to restore that database, post the code here. As long as you can use WITH RECOVERY then it will be online. Satya SKJ
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
Writer, Contributing Editor & Moderator
This posting is provided AS IS with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing. Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves or we know where we can find information on it.
I got it… Thanks a lot for your help satya…