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Restoring DB

Hello Friends, I am having one question related to restoring DB.I have DB backup file with name as "abc.bak" but same database is already present on my SQL server. I have to restore "abc.bak" file with different DB name like "abcd" but when i am trying to restore i am getting below error.I am restoring DB by using Enterprise Manager. Device activition error.
File abc_data cannot be restored. Use WITH MOVE to identify a valid location for the file. I know i am doing something wrong while restoring but not able to trace properly. Can any one help me. Thanks and Regards
Ravi Kumar

to restore database with different you need to create a database with that new name then restore into that one May the best cheaters win
quote:Originally posted by tdong to restore database with different you need to create a database with that new name then restore into that one
I am not able to verify this right now, but as far as I remember EM reads names and paths of data and log files from the backup. So it won’t help just to create a new database and then right-click it it to choose ‘Restore…’ option. You need to specify new database name as well as new names and/or paths for data and log file. As far as I remember, you will find them on the 2nd tab of restore dialog window. — Rediscover the web

in EM you can see something like +Database
-efg right click on database > all tasks > restore > choose backup file name .
In options tab change database name,file paths to restore. rajiv
Change the default MDF and LDF files when restoring. You can do this at the option dialog
quote:Originally posted by SQL2000DBA Hello Friends, Device activition error.
File abc_data cannot be restored. Use WITH MOVE to identify a valid location for the file.
