Scheduled job fails | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Scheduled job fails

I have created a scheduled job that runs a DTS package but it fails every time that I start the job. In the Job history it says:
The job failed. The Job was invoked by User DEVsqladmin. The last step to run was step 1 (dt_SA_LoadSQLTablesFromAccess). I am able to execute the DTS package.
The job owner is a system admin user id.
The Devsqladmin is a Windows admin ID and I used it to log into the server. What#%92s the problem and how can I fix it?
Run the job on the server & see if it fails in the same way.
The server account will need the same access rights as your local account to run the job.

I am working on the server through RDC (Terminal Services). And the job owner is a sys admin user id. I start the job manually and it fails and gives me the above message. Note that the Devsqladmin is the SQL Server’s service user id.
quote:Originally posted by dineshasanka Run the job on the server & see if it fails in the same way.
The server account will need the same access rights as your local account to run the job.

It is strange! I scheduled another DTS package and it worked while still the other one fails. I have checked every login and have changed to the service user id. What’s wrong? CanadaDBA
Discovered the problem! <br />There was a S: drive mapping in my session that it didn’t exist when the DTS was being called by the scheduled job or from within a SP. I changed it to UNC and everything is fine and working! <img src=’/community/emoticons/emotion-1.gif’ alt=’:)‘ /><br /><br /><br />CanadaDBA