Scheduling Backups | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Scheduling Backups

I have scheduled jobs for the database backups. The jobs scheduled for user databases goes through but the jobs scheduled for master, msdb and model are failing. There are three steps involved in each jobs
1. Truncate the transaction log
2. Run DBCC checkdb
3. backup database with init(I want a fresh backup every time)
The jobs for system databases are erroing out in the second step I think(after seeing the error logs). When I see the SQL server error logs the error is
dbcc checkdb(master) found 0 errors and fixed 0 errors.
And thank you very very much for replying for my previous post. Iam really sorry for not responding.
Thanks in advance
This is rajesh again. Iam sorry the error is in third step while backing up databases its doesn’t enter the error in error log. I went ot the job history and clicked show steps the first two steps are succeded while its erroring out in the third step saying "No entries in the sysdevices for backup device update sysdevices and rerun the statement".
Please help me out
Thanks in advance
First of all you cannot run transaction log backup for system databases as master and msdb default recovery model will be SIMPLE and only you can use full database backup. sql_server_maintenance.asp for tips on DB maintenance plans, refer to the maint’ plan log for more information on failure. Satya SKJ
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.
Thanks Satya again for promptly replying. The backup device name was different from the one mentioned in the T-Sql script.
Good to know the resolution and ensure to maintain full database backups for system databases too. Satya SKJ
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.