Security Patch | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Security Patch

I found a SQL Server within my network that had not been updated with the latest security patch and is at risk as a result to the slammer worm. 1. How can I verify that the server is not already infected? 2. When I try to apply the latest security patch, I get the error, "You do not have any instance of SQL installed on this computer that qualifies for this HotFix. Please check version and service pack requirements for this HotFix. I have SP2 installed on this server as noted in the following output from Select @@version. Microsoft SQL Server 2000 – 8.00.194 (Intel X86) Aug 6 2000 00:57:48 Copyright (c) 1988-2000 Microsoft Corporation Standard Edition on Windows NT 5.0 (Build 2195: Service Pack 2) Do I need to run each of the subsequent patches beyond 8.00.194, before I can apply the latest? Thanks, Steve
NEVERMIND!!! I feel stupid, but I’m leaving this out there for others who may make the same dumb mistake I made. I was reading "Build 2195: Service Pack 2" as the SQL Service Pack. Of course, that’s the Win2K SP. This machine has the original SQL 2K build on it. Yikes!! Upgrading quickly, Steve

To answer your last question, you do not need to install subsequent patches. ———-
T Kelley