Selecting server variables from linked server | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Selecting server variables from linked server

I have several servers linked together which I want to peform the same queries on and bundle into a report.
Is there any way I can select sql variables from a linked server ? A simple example would be to get a list of all versions of the servers.. I can do
select * from CAPDEV.DATABASE_NAME.dbo.TABLE_NAME but Id like to do
select * from [email protected]@version or something similar. Is this possible ? Thankyou.
Wrap your code in a stored procedure and then call the stored procedure on the linked server. So you would have a procedure that would get the server variable value for you, and then you would call this procedure from your other server: EXEC CAPDEV.DATABASE_NAME.dbo.spWhatever
"How do you expect to beat me when I am forever?"
Also take a look at Partitioned View in the SQL Server Books Online
partitioned views are very interesting!
the sp idea i didnt think of, but thats the best solution for me.
Thanks !