Server Memory. | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Server Memory.

Hi Guys, I have 6 GB RAM memory in the database Server. But for the most of the time it is using only 2 GB and rest 4 GB is used. Could you Please help how to make database to use that additional 4 GB and improve the speed. Very urgent Please. Thanks
state your Windows version (2000 or 2003) and edition (Std, Adv, Ent), your SQL Server edition (Std or Enterprise)] then look in books online for PAE, AWE, etc

You are running Enterprise Edition on Windows Advanced Server? AFAIK, you need that to access more than 2 GB of RAM. Also, if SQL doesn’t require more than 2 GB of RAM, it won’t take up more than 2 GB of RAM.
KBA’s ..and please state environment before getting urgent responses. Satya SKJ
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
Contributing Editor & Forums Moderator
This posting is provided �AS IS� with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.
Hi guys I am using windows 2000, SQL Server edition (Enterprise) . Thanks raj
Refer to the KBAs to use more than 2 GB in this case. Satya SKJ
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
Contributing Editor & Forums Moderator
This posting is provided �AS IS� with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.
you really should learn how to use resources on the Microsoft site for these things assuming you have w2k adv server, you will need /PAE in boot.ini,
lookup sp_configure for the awe setting,
there might also be a permission involved, look in the sql server error logs after doing this
Hi Guys, Thanks, I got it.Thanks for all the help. raj