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snapshot rep.

I have SQL Server 2000 snapshot replication setup with one publisher, one distributor, and four subscribers. I want to replace one fo the subscribers with a new server. It will have the same network name, same IP…… How do I enable replication on this new box?(make it a subscriber and subscribe to the publication)? (alot of details please)

To be honest I haven’t tried thisand I think you can use sp_addsubscriber to add another subscriber. This stored procedure is executed at the Publisher on the publication database. Take help of books online for more information. HTH _________
Satya SKJ

Does this look right: 1. On "new" Subscriber: restore a copy of the subscriber DB. 2. On Distributor:
Go to Replication, Publications…delete the subscription. 3. On Distributor(Publisher database): run these…
— Adding the registered subscriber
exec sp_addsubscriber @subscriber = ……………
— Adding the snapshot subscription
exec sp_addsubscription @publication = , @subscriber = ……….
will that work?
May try, don’t see any issue and post if any issue occurs. _________
Satya SKJ

Hi ya, If it has the same network name and has same authentication, then there is no need to drop and add the subscriber or subscription… The distributor will be unaware that the server has changed Otherwise yes drop and re-add the subscription and subscriber Cheers
excellent!!! I just did a backup of the subscriber and restored on the "new" subscriber server. The subscription is there!!!(good!!!) I assume when I take the current subscriber out, new one in, run snapshot replication this will work. Should I have used "Attach Subscription Database" vs the manual restore I did? Does this make a difference??

In general I would go with RESTORE rather than attaching, no counters or issues with later process but somehow comfortable with RESTORE process. Watch closely for any information/errors in SQL server error log during this process.
Satya SKJ
