SP2 and Replication – please advise… | SQL Server Performance Forums

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SP2 and Replication – please advise…

Tonight, I have to apply SP2 to a publisher that is running merge replication.
What are the considerations, if any. (Note: the subscriber already has SP)
Please advise asap. Thx
With respect to replication, lets wait for some suggestions, but in general; during installation of SP2, consider the following: 1. Stop all the SQL services before u start installing SP2.
2. After u have finished installing SP2, check the ‘setup bootstrap’ folder in C:program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90 Check the folder log in that to verify the successful installation of SP2. Hope this helps
First read the installaion readme file before moving forward…
I don’t think you need to stop the sql services to apply the service pack… You have apply service pack on replicated server in certain order… When upgrading instances of SQL Server 2005 in a merge replication topology or in a transactional replication topology with updating Subscribers, you must upgrade the instances in the following order: 1. Distributor
2. Publisher
3. Subscribers Readme for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 http://download.microsoft.com/downl…admeSQL2005SP2.htm#_5462_database_engine_wluf
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