Split-mirror snapshots | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Split-mirror snapshots

I currently looking for software to implement split-mirror bakups.
Found BakBone software (APM For SQL Server 2000)
Did anyone buy and implemented it ?
I will appretiate any feedback. Currently we have Doble-Take software but storage server cannot have
SQL Server instaled so we newer know whether stored data files are corrupted until
it’s too late
I have no experience in using third party tools for split-mirror backups.
But seen interesting TECHNET article http://www.microsoft.com/technet/tr…prodtechnol/sql/deploy/prodspecs/spltmirr.asp that may help you with information. BTW, what is the size of database(s)?
Satya SKJ

THERE are 900 dbs on our server all of them are 70-140 MB
(except two which are 2-4 Gb)
I don’t think by any way split-mirror backups may help you, being it provides nearly instant database restores for VLDBs and nearly instant and very low impact backups of large databases. You can plan your own plan to disaster recovery rather modifying the current database setup for the sake of split-mirror backups. HTH _________
Satya SKJ
