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Sql agent

Hello, I have a weird problem, i installed sql 2000 sp2 on a win 2000 sp3 and now when I made some jobs I can’t see when the next run is and when a job is running it doesn’t say anything in the status colomn. The jobs are running and when they are ready I can see in the colomn succeeded.
On this server I had installed SP3 for sql 2000 and then I didn,t have the problem. So when I looked at SP3 I couldn’t find a bugfix. Also I checked the security for the user where sqlagent is running. Can somebody please help me with this. Regards,
Ronald Rival
Refer to SQL error log for more information and make sure SQLAgent is up and running.
Satya SKJ

I have not seen this behaviour before. —————————–
Brad M. McGehee, MVP