SQL Backup | SQL Server Performance Forums

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SQL Backup

I have two questions about sql backup:
1. Do I really need to backup filegroups? Does database backup already include filegroups?
2. Is it necessary to backup master and model?

1) No. Full backup include filegroups.
2) Yes, if you want quickly restore after crash. Luis Martin
By all means for any Enterprise database BACKUPS are vital mode to take care of.
You shouldn’t skip this task for any other reason. Satya SKJ
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.
Well…what’s you recovery model? Full, Differential, or simple? I use Full We dump every night at 4:00 am And take tranny dumps every 10 minutes… Dump msdb and master once a week…(hell you could do it every night they’re so small) Depeands on who much window you have… Don’t forget integrity checks and rebuilding indexes//// Brett :cool: