SQL Server 6.5 client-server connection error | SQL Server Performance Forums

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SQL Server 6.5 client-server connection error

I don’t know if there’s anyone out there who has experienced the following:
I’m getting the following error message from SQL Server error logs Error: 17824, severity: 10, state:0; OS error: 232; Error: 1608, severity 21 state 2 and Error : 17832 severity 18 state 0 from users when they try to connect to application that has a SQL 6.5 backend. SQL Server logs don’t say much so I’m really short on what to do next and this is a matter of urgency please people [V]. Your prompt replies much appreciated.
C:>net helpmsg 232 says the error is "The pipe is being closed". So maybe there is an issue with Namped Pipes. Old MDAC maybe? You could also try and change the default network library to TCP/IP on the clients or add it as a parameter in your connection string. See www.connectionstrings.com
Review information from this KBAhttp://support.microsoft.com/kb/q109787/ for further solution.
Ensure the SQL 6.5 is on latest SP which is SP5a. Satya SKJ
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