SQL Server Clustured Nodes can use same DB | SQL Server Performance Forums

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SQL Server Clustured Nodes can use same DB

Hello Friends, I am going to use SQL Server 2005 clustering soon. I have one question: Suppose I created 2 nodes (physical machines). When a user requests it will connect to default node: SQLN1 and if it’s connection limit is reached then request will be automatically transferred to SQLN2. At this time replication of DB on SQLN1 to SQLN2 is necessary to perform operations or SQLN2 will use latest database itself? Please help ASAP. Thanks, Haresh

No it not like that…
If any thing goes wrong on sqln1 your sql will move to sqln2, your db can be accessed by only one node at a given time…
Google "SQL SERVER CLUSTERING", you may get info… http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/sql/2000/maintain/failclus.mspx Read BOL toping "clustering [SQL Server]"
Mohammed U.
Thank you Mohammed. I got it. Haresh
