Sql Server Connection Trouble | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Sql Server Connection Trouble

I got a strange trouble with SQL Server. We are using SQL 2000 , Windows 2000 as server, windows 98 as clinet. I developed programs with visual basic 6.0 . I use microsoft data link file to connect vb and sql server. Unfortunately, sometimes client cannot access sql server. The network must be fine because each computer can access internet and logon into domain at that time. The error message is ‘Timeout expired’. After a while, it become fine by itself. It looks like the connection is not stable and always in danger. How can I solve this problem? I installed sql server client in each computer and in some computer it make things worse. Any directions are really appreciated. Max
What is the version of MDAC that you are using? And why are you not using a DSN to connect to the server? When you are not able to commect to SQL Server, are you able to ping it? Gaurav
I installed MDAC 2.7 on client and sql server sp3 on server. Someone said ODBC will slow down the performance so I didn’t use it. When lossing Sql Server Connection,OS "ping" command is always working. It looks like something wrong on Sql server network component or configuration. Thanks Max
I haven’t actually understood the Microsoft Data link file. ODBC is slower than OLE DB only. Is this what you are using? Try configuring the server in the clinet connection utility. Referhttp://www.sql-server-performance.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=942 for similar discussion. HTH. Gaurav
Thanks a lot. I have read the article and keep trying on it. I will post the detail if I solve it Max
Try to set the ConnectionTimeout property of the connection object to a higher value. Bambola.
It looks as MDAC was broken when I run Norton antivisus to clean virus. After I reinstall MDAC 2.7, it has worked fine for 2 weeks until now. Max
Its suggested not to use anti virus packages on SQL Server and better to keep it as dedicated server. _________
Satya SKJ

Satya, this depends if your SQL Server is connected to outside world or not. If the server is behind a firewall then not installing antivirus may be considered. Gaurav
True, I agree and if its exposed to the web then better to limit AV package not to touch SQL files such as .MDF & .LDF files and error log files. _________
Satya SKJ

Yeah that can be a solution. Gaurav