SQL Server Messages | SQL Server Performance Forums

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SQL Server Messages

I was searching for all "failed logins" or "denied" in SQL Server Messages and found a bunch of records but the messages aren’t very clear. This is how they look like: %ls permission denied on object ‘%.*ls’, database ‘%.*ls’, owner ‘%.*ls’. Since it replaced all the important information with the % sign and .*ls, it won;t do me any good. Any idea why it’s doing that?
In the description column of the sysmessages table, a percent sign (%) followed by a character serves as a placeholder; the specific data is supplied when the error message is generated. The notation %d is a placeholder for a number; %ls (or %.*ls) is a placeholder for a string. Satya SKJ
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so where can I see the specific data instead of just the placeholders?
When the error occurs in the realtime it will showup.
Refer to this technethttp://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/prodtech/dbsql/sql2kaud.mspx link to audit the failed logins. Satya SKJ
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.