SQL Server Native Client | SQL Server Performance Forums

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SQL Server Native Client

"In a SQL Server 2005 side-by-side installation, SQL Server 2000 tools continue to manage SQL Server 2000, but all connectivity now is replaced by SQL Server Native Client." I’m installing SQL Server 2005 in a new instance and in dedicated resources fo my cluster. I read the SQL Server Technical Article, and i noted " but all connectivity now is replaced by SQL Server Native Client". What does it mean for my users, whose are working on applications with ODBC connection on SQL Server 2000? Thanks
Unless you don´t install the SNAC on the client, nothing will change for them. if you do the connection will be transparent handled and directed through the SNAC driver. HTH, Jens K. Suessmeyer. —
— HTH, Jens K. Suessmeyer.
Microsoft SQL Server MVP —
