SQL Server – ODBC connection | SQL Server Performance Forums

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SQL Server – ODBC connection

Hi , I always do a blind installation of SQL server.I am not sure how QA interact with server.All the settings are configured automatically i guess.
*Any situation where we have to do some changes in any setttings for connection?
*Clients anyway use any ODBC thing or anythin like ODBC,ADO.OLEDB etc.. ? Anywhere i can get little more info about 1)How sql server listen for connections (like oracle listner)
2)how client establish conn with server
3)and steps involved inthese two . Anyone have any good article on this ? rajiv
Thishttp://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnsqldev/html/sqldev_03252004.asp article and Ken Henderson’s book will help you out. Happy reading… Satya SKJ
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Sathya once again thanks a lot . Its quite amazing how you manage all these links in your database <img src=’/community/emoticons/emotion-1.gif’ alt=’:)‘ /> .<br /><br />rajiv<br />NewBie-23