sqlmaint utility? | SQL Server Performance Forums

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sqlmaint utility?

Can anybody tell how can I use sqlmaint utility, I read BOL but I am not sure how to use it? I found the follwing acript in my sql job, I understand what it does but where does the planID come from?
quote:EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_sqlmaint N’-PlanID 607A3E01-B50A-4D88-A849-261CE8C0E5B0 -WriteHistory -VrfyBackup -BkUpMedia DISK -BkUpLog "E:productionBackups" -DelBkUps 6DAYS -BkExt "TRN"’

How can I shedule sql job for database,log etc.. backups. I know how to bakup that from EM but If I want that to be sheduled do I need to write such scripts(above) in my job, if so how can I write that? Thanks!
"He laughs best who laughs last"
The code is auto created by a Maintenace Plan. You can create such plans in Enterprise Manager that handles backup, reindex etc.
Ohh Thanks..I got
I never used any mainenance plans as I am new to this. Thanks!
"He laughs best who laughs last"
Reddy I suggest you to refer books online too for such doubts, it helps. Satya SKJ
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