System tables | SQL Server Performance Forums

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System tables

Hello, I do not see system tables in my user database – Tables – System tables tab. Was wondering, where did this go? When i try to query the following tables, system say invalid object name: select * from sysprocesses and select * from syslogins. Appreciated if someone please help. thanks,
sysprocesses and syslogins are not tables anymore…they are views and present in master database… run the following…
select * from master..sysprocesses
select * from master..syslogins
in sql server 2005 System Metadata Access and the Security Architecture has been chanaged and
u should not use system table for any purpose.. instead u can use system views refer Madhu
MohammedU and Madhu, Thank you so much and you guys are simple awesome with the knowledge. I really apprecaite your help here. Thanks again,