SQL Server Performance Forum – Threads Archive
Tables used by the store procedures
Hi there, I am trying to find the tables from a database that are being used or not being used by the stored procedures. I am trying to clean up the database by deleting some unnecessary tables. Hence I would like to make sure that the tables are not being used by any of the stored procedures. Could someone help me out with a querry that can pull the table information used by the stored procedures. Thanks n regards, Madduri.You can try Dependency Tracker from Red Gate. 14 days free use. Luis Martin
SQL-Server-Performance.com All in Love is Fair
Stevie Wonder
All postings are provided “AS IS†with no warranties for accuracy.
The following is the code sql server uses to find the dependencies…captured in sql profiler… — drop table #t1, #tempdep CREATE TABLE #tempdep (objid int NOT NULL, objtype smallint NOT NULL)
tbl.object_id AS [ID],
sys.tables AS tbl
(tbl.name=N’authors’ and SCHEMA_NAME(tbl.schema_id)=N’dbo’) declare @find_referencing_objects int
set @find_referencing_objects = 1
— parameters:
— 1. create table #tempdep (objid int NOT NULL, objtype smallint NOT NULL)
— contains source objects
— 2. @find_referencing_objects defines ordering
— 1 order for drop
— 0 order for script declare @must_set_nocount_off bit
set @must_set_nocount_off = 0 IF @@OPTIONS & 512 = 0
set @must_set_nocount_off = 1
set nocount on declare @u int
declare @udf int
declare @v int
declare @sp int
declare @def int
declare @rule int
declare @tr int
declare @uda int
declare @uddt int
declare @xml int
declare @udt int
declare @assm int
declare @part_sch int
declare @part_func int
declare @synonym int set @u = 3
set @udf = 0
set @v = 2
set @sp = 4
set @def = 6
set @rule = 7
set @tr = 8
set @uda = 11
set @synonym = 12
–above 100 -> not in sys.objects
set @uddt = 101
set @xml = 102
set @udt = 103
set @assm = 1000
set @part_sch = 201
set @part_func = 202
* Create #t1 as temp object holding areas. Columns are:
* object_id – temp object id
* object_type – temp object type
* relative_id – parent or child object id
* relative_type – parent or child object type
* rank – NULL means dependencies not yet evaluated, else nonNULL.
* soft_link – this row should not be used to compute ordering among objects
* object_name – name of the temp object
* object_schema – name the temp object’s schema (if any)
* relative_name – name of the relative object
* relative_schema – name of the relative object’s schema (if any)
* degree – the number of relatives that the object has, will be used for computing the rank
* object_key – surrogate key that combines object_id and object_type
* relative_key – surrogate key that combines relative_id and relative_type
create table #t1(
object_id int NULL,
object_type smallint NULL,
relative_id int NULL,
relative_type smallint NULL,
rank smallint NULL,
soft_link bit NULL,
object_name sysname NULL,
object_schema sysname NULL,
relative_name sysname NULL,
relative_schema sysname NULL,
degree int NULL,
object_key bigint NULL,
relative_key bigint NULL
) create unique clustered index i1 on #t1(object_id, object_type, relative_id, relative_type) with IGNORE_DUP_KEY declare @iter_no int
set @iter_no = 1 declare @rows int
set @rows = 1 declare @rowcount_ck int
set @rowcount_ck = 0 insert #t1 (relative_id, relative_type, rank)
select l.objid, l.objtype, @iter_no from #tempdep l while @rows > 0
set @rows = 0
if( 1 = @find_referencing_objects )
–tables that reference uddts or udts (parameters that reference types are in sql_dependencies )
insert #t1 (object_id, object_type, relative_id, relative_type, rank)
select t.relative_id, t.relative_type, c.object_id, @u, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.columns as c on c.user_type_id = t.relative_id
join sys.tables as tbl on tbl.object_id = c.object_id — eliminate views
where @iter_no = t.rank and ([email protected] OR [email protected])
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount –tables that reference defaults ( only default objects )
insert #t1 (object_id, object_type, relative_id, relative_type, rank)
select t.relative_id, t.relative_type, clmns.object_id, @u, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.columns as clmns on clmns.default_object_id = t.relative_id
join sys.objects as o on o.object_id = t.relative_id and 0 = isnull(o.parent_object_id, 0)
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.relative_type = @def
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount –types that reference defaults ( only default objects )
insert #t1 (object_id, object_type, relative_id, relative_type, rank)
select t.relative_id, t.relative_type, tp.user_type_id, @uddt, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.types as tp on tp.default_object_id = t.relative_id
join sys.objects as o on o.object_id = t.relative_id and 0 = isnull(o.parent_object_id, 0)
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.relative_type = @def
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount –tables that reference rules
insert #t1 (object_id, object_type, relative_id, relative_type, rank)
select t.relative_id, t.relative_type, clmns.object_id, @u, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.columns as clmns on clmns.rule_object_id = t.relative_id
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.relative_type = @rule
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount –types that reference rules
insert #t1 (object_id, object_type, relative_id, relative_type, rank)
select t.relative_id, t.relative_type, tp.user_type_id, @uddt, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.types as tp on tp.rule_object_id = t.relative_id
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.relative_type = @rule
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount –tables that reference XmlSchemaCollections
insert #t1 (object_id, object_type, relative_id, relative_type, rank)
select t.relative_id, t.relative_type, c.object_id, @u, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.columns as c on c.xml_collection_id = t.relative_id
join sys.tables as tbl on tbl.object_id = c.object_id — eliminate views
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.relative_type = @xml
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount –procedures that reference XmlSchemaCollections
insert #t1 (object_id, object_type, relative_id, relative_type, rank)
select t.relative_id, t.relative_type, c.object_id, case when o.type in ( ‘P’, ‘RF’, ‘PC’ ) then @sp else @udf end, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.parameters as c on c.xml_collection_id = t.relative_id
join sys.objects as o on o.object_id = c.object_id
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.relative_type = @xml
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount –udf, sp, uda, trigger all that reference assembly
insert #t1 (object_id, object_type, relative_id, relative_type, rank)
select t.relative_id, t.relative_type, am.object_id, (case o.type when ‘AF’ then @uda when ‘PC’ then @sp when ‘FS’ then @udf when ‘FT’ then @udf when ‘TA’ then @tr else @udf end), @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.assembly_modules as am on am.assembly_id = t.relative_id
join sys.objects as o on am.object_id = o.object_id
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.relative_type = @assm
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount — CLR udf, sp, uda that reference udt
insert #t1 (object_id, object_type, relative_id, relative_type, rank)
select distinct t.relative_id,
(case o.type
when ‘AF’ then @uda
when ‘PC’ then @sp
when ‘FS’ then @udf
when ‘FT’ then @udf
when ‘TA’ then @tr
else @udf end),
@iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.parameters as sp on sp.user_type_id = t.relative_id
join sys.assembly_modules as am on sp.object_id = am.object_id
join sys.objects as o on sp.object_id = o.object_id
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.relative_type = @udt
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount –udt that reference assembly
insert #t1 (object_id, object_type, relative_id, relative_type, rank)
select t.relative_id, t.relative_type, at.user_type_id, @udt, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.assembly_types as at on at.assembly_id = t.relative_id
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.relative_type = @assm
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount –assembly that reference assembly
insert #t1 (object_id, object_type, relative_id, relative_type, rank)
select t.relative_id, t.relative_type, ar.assembly_id, @assm, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.assembly_references as ar on ar.referenced_assembly_id = t.relative_id
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.relative_type = @assm
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount –table references table
insert #t1 (object_id, object_type, relative_id, relative_type, rank)
select t.relative_id, t.relative_type, fk.parent_object_id, @u, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.foreign_keys as fk on fk.referenced_object_id = t.relative_id
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.relative_type = @u
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount –table,view references partition scheme
insert #t1 (object_id, object_type, relative_id, relative_type, rank)
select t.relative_id, t.relative_type, idx.object_id, case o.type when ‘V’ then @v else @u end, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.indexes as idx on idx.data_space_id = t.relative_id
join sys.objects as o on o.object_id = idx.object_id
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.relative_type = @part_sch
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount –partition scheme references partition function
insert #t1 (object_id, object_type, relative_id, relative_type, rank)
select t.relative_id, t.relative_type, ps.data_space_id, @part_sch, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.partition_schemes as ps on ps.function_id = t.relative_id
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.relative_type = @part_func
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount –non-schema-bound parameter references type
insert #t1 (object_id, object_type, relative_id, relative_type, rank)
select t.relative_id, t.relative_type, p.object_id,
case when obj.type in ( ‘P’, ‘PC’ ) then @sp else @udf
end, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.parameters as p on
p.user_type_id = t.relative_id and t.relative_type in (@uddt, @udt)
join sys.objects as obj on obj.object_id = p.object_id and obj.type in ( ‘P’, ‘PC’, ‘TF’, ‘FN’, ‘IF’, ‘FS’, ‘FT’)
and ISNULL(objectproperty(obj.object_id, ‘isschemabound’), 0) = 0
where @iter_no = t.rank
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount –view, procedure references table, view, procedure
–procedure references type
–table(check) references procedure
–trigger references table, procedure
insert #t1 (object_id, object_type, relative_id, relative_type, rank)
select t.relative_id, t.relative_type, case when ‘C’ = obj.type then obj.parent_object_id else dp.object_id end,
case when obj.type in (‘U’, ‘C’) then @u when ‘V’ = obj.type then @v when ‘TR’ = obj.type then @tr
when obj.type in ( ‘P’, ‘RF’, ‘PC’ ) then @sp
when obj.type in ( ‘TF’, ‘FN’, ‘IF’, ‘FS’, ‘FT’ ) then @udf
end, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.sql_dependencies as dp on
— reference table, view procedure
( class < 2 and dp.referenced_major_id = t.relative_id and t.relative_type in ( @u, @v, @sp, @udf) )
–reference type
or ( 2 = class and dp.referenced_major_id = t.relative_id and t.relative_type in (@uddt, @udt))
–reference xml namespace ( not supported by server right now )
–or ( 3 = class and dp.referenced_major_id = t.relative_id and @xml = t.relative_type )
join sys.objects as obj on obj.object_id = dp.object_id and obj.type in ( ‘U’, ‘V’, ‘P’, ‘RF’, ‘PC’, ‘TR’, ‘TF’, ‘FN’, ‘IF’, ‘FS’, ‘FT’, ‘C’)
where @iter_no = t.rank
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount end — 1 = @find_referencing_objects
begin — find referenced objects
–check references table
insert #t1 (object_id, object_type, relative_id, relative_type, rank)
select t.relative_id, t.relative_type, dp.object_id, 77 /*place holder for check*/, @iter_no
from #t1 as t
join sys.sql_dependencies as dp on
— reference table
class < 2 and dp.referenced_major_id = t.relative_id and t.relative_type = @u
join sys.objects as obj on obj.object_id = dp.object_id and obj.type = ‘C’
where @iter_no = t.rank
set @rowcount_ck = @@rowcount –non-schema-bound parameter references type
insert #t1 (object_id, object_type, relative_id, relative_type, rank)
select distinct
t.relative_id,– object_id
t.relative_type,– object_type
p.user_type_id,– relative_id
case p.system_type_id when 240 then @udt else @uddt end,
@iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.parameters as p on
p.object_id = t.relative_id and p.user_type_id > 256 and t.relative_type in ( @sp, @udf )
and ISNULL(objectproperty(p.object_id, ‘isschemabound’), 0) = 0
where @iter_no = t.rank
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount –view, procedure referenced by table, view, procedure
–type referenced by procedure
–check referenced by table
insert #t1 (object_id, object_type, relative_id, relative_type, rank)
select distinct
case when 77 = t.relative_type then obj2.parent_object_id else t.relative_id end, — object_id
case when 77 = t.relative_type then @u else relative_type end, — object_type
dp.referenced_major_id, — relative_id
case — relative_type
when dp.class < 2 then
case when ‘U’ = obj.type then @u
when ‘V’ = obj.type then @v
when ‘TR’ = obj.type then @tr
when ‘AF’ = obj.type then @uda
when obj.type in ( ‘P’, ‘RF’, ‘PC’ ) then @sp
when obj.type in ( ‘TF’, ‘FN’, ‘IF’, ‘FS’, ‘FT’ ) then @udf
when exists (select * from sys.synonyms syn where syn.object_id = dp.referenced_major_id ) then @synonym
when dp.class = 2 then (case
when exists (select * from sys.assembly_types sat where sat.user_type_id = dp.referenced_major_id) then @udt
else @uddt
@iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.sql_dependencies as dp on
— reference table, view procedure
( class < 2 and dp.object_id = t.relative_id and t.relative_type in ( @u, @v, @sp, @udf, @tr, @uda, 77) )
–reference type
or ( 2 = class and dp.object_id = t.relative_id ) — t.relative_type?
–reference xml namespace ( not supported by server right now )
–or ( 3 = class and dp.referenced_major_id = t.relative_id and @xml = t.relative_type )
left join sys.objects as obj on obj.object_id = dp.referenced_major_id and dp.class < 2 and obj.type in ( ‘U’, ‘V’, ‘P’, ‘RF’, ‘PC’, ‘TF’, ‘FN’, ‘IF’, ‘FS’, ‘FT’, ‘TR’, ‘AF’)
left join sys.objects as obj2 on obj2.object_id = t.relative_id and 77 = t.relative_type
where @iter_no = t.rank
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount if @rowcount_ck > 0
delete from #t1 where relative_type = 77
end –table or view referenced by trigger
insert #t1 (object_id, object_type, relative_id, relative_type, rank)
select t.relative_id, t.relative_type, tr.parent_id, case o.type when ‘V’ then @v else @u end, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.triggers as tr on tr.object_id = t.relative_id
join sys.objects as o on o.object_id = tr.parent_id
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.relative_type = @tr
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount –table referenced by table
insert #t1 (object_id, object_type, relative_id, relative_type, rank)
select t.relative_id, t.relative_type, fk.referenced_object_id, @u, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.foreign_keys as fk on fk.parent_object_id = t.relative_id
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.relative_type = @u
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount –assembly referenced by assembly
insert #t1 (object_id, object_type, relative_id, relative_type, rank)
select t.relative_id, t.relative_type, ar.referenced_assembly_id, @assm, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.assembly_references as ar on ar.assembly_id = t.relative_id
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.relative_type = @assm
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount –assembly referenced by udt
insert #t1 (object_id, object_type, relative_id, relative_type, rank)
select t.relative_id, t.relative_type, at.assembly_id, @assm, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.assembly_types as at on at.user_type_id = t.relative_id
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.relative_type = @udt
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount — assembly referenced by udf, sp, uda, trigger
insert #t1 (object_id, object_type, relative_id, relative_type, rank)
select t.relative_id, t.relative_type, am.assembly_id, @assm, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.assembly_modules as am on am.object_id = t.relative_id
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.relative_type in ( @udf, @sp, @uda, @tr)
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount — udt referenced by CLR udf, sp, uda
insert #t1 (object_id, object_type, relative_id, relative_type, rank)
select distinct
@iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.parameters as sp on sp.object_id = t.relative_id
join sys.assembly_modules as am on am.object_id = sp.object_id
join sys.assembly_types as at on sp.user_type_id = at.user_type_id
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.relative_type in (@udf, @sp, @uda)
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount –clr types referenced by tables ( types referenced by parameters are in sql_dependencies )
insert #t1 (object_id, object_type, relative_id, relative_type, rank)
select t.relative_id, t.relative_type, c.user_type_id, @udt, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.columns as c on c.object_id = t.relative_id
join sys.assembly_types as tp on tp.user_type_id = c.user_type_id
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.relative_type = @u
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount end
set @iter_no = @iter_no + 1
end –main loop –objects that don’t need to be in the loop because they don’t reference anybody
if( 0 = @find_referencing_objects )
–alias types referenced by tables ( types referenced by parameters are in sql_dependencies )
insert #t1 (object_id, object_type, relative_id, relative_type, rank)
select t.relative_id, t.relative_type, c.user_type_id, @uddt, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.columns as c on c.object_id = t.relative_id
join sys.types as tp on tp.user_type_id = c.user_type_id and tp.is_user_defined = 1
where t.relative_type = @u and tp.is_assembly_type = 0 if @@rowcount > 0
set @iter_no = @iter_no + 1
end –defaults referenced by types
insert #t1 (object_id, object_type, relative_id, relative_type, rank)
select t.relative_id, t.relative_type, tp.default_object_id, @def, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.types as tp on tp.user_type_id = t.relative_id and tp.default_object_id > 0
join sys.objects as o on o.object_id = tp.default_object_id and 0 = isnull(o.parent_object_id, 0)
where t.relative_type = @uddt –defaults referenced by tables( only default objects )
insert #t1 (object_id, object_type, relative_id, relative_type, rank)
select t.relative_id, t.relative_type, clmns.default_object_id, @def, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.columns as clmns on clmns.object_id = t.relative_id
join sys.objects as o on o.object_id = clmns.default_object_id and 0 = isnull(o.parent_object_id, 0)
where t.relative_type = @u –rules referenced by types
insert #t1 (object_id, object_type, relative_id, relative_type, rank)
select t.relative_id, t.relative_type, tp.rule_object_id, @rule, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.types as tp on tp.user_type_id = t.relative_id and tp.rule_object_id > 0
where t.relative_type = @uddt –rules referenced by tables
insert #t1 (object_id, object_type, relative_id, relative_type, rank)
select t.relative_id, t.relative_type, clmns.rule_object_id, @rule, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.columns as clmns on clmns.object_id = t.relative_id and clmns.rule_object_id > 0
where t.relative_type = @u –XmlSchemaCollections referenced by table
insert #t1 (object_id, object_type, relative_id, relative_type, rank)
select t.relative_id, t.relative_type, c.xml_collection_id, @xml, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.columns as c on c.object_id = t.relative_id and c.xml_collection_id > 0
where t.relative_type = @u –XmlSchemaCollections referenced by procedures
insert #t1 (object_id, object_type, relative_id, relative_type, rank)
select t.relative_id, t.relative_type, c.xml_collection_id, @xml, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.parameters as c on c.object_id = t.relative_id and c.xml_collection_id > 0
where t.relative_type in ( @sp, @udf) –partition scheme referenced by table,view
insert #t1 (object_id, object_type, relative_id, relative_type, rank)
select t.relative_id, t.relative_type, ps.data_space_id, @part_sch, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.indexes as idx on idx.object_id = t.relative_id
join sys.partition_schemes as ps on ps.data_space_id = idx.data_space_id
where t.relative_type in (@u, @v) –partition function referenced by partition scheme
insert #t1 (object_id, object_type, relative_id, relative_type, rank)
select t.relative_id, t.relative_type, ps.function_id, @part_func, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.partition_schemes as ps on ps.data_space_id = t.relative_id
where t.relative_type = @part_sch end –cleanup circular references
delete #t1 where object_id = relative_id and object_type=relative_type –allow circular dependencies by cuting one of the branches
–mark as soft links dependencies between tables
— at script time we will need to take care to script fks and checks separately
update #t1 set soft_link = 1 where ( object_type = @u and relative_type = @u ) –add independent objects first in the list
insert #t1 ( object_id, object_type, rank)
select t.relative_id, t.relative_type, 1 from #t1 t where t.relative_id not in ( select t2.object_id from #t1 t2 where not t2.object_id is null ) –delete initial objects
delete #t1 where object_id is null — compute the surrogate keys to make sorting easier
update #t1 set object_key = object_id + convert(bigint, 0xfFFFFFFF) * object_type
update #t1 set relative_key = relative_id + convert(bigint, 0xfFFFFFFF) * relative_type create index index_key on #t1 (object_key, relative_key) update #t1 set rank = 0
— computing the degree of the nodes
update #t1 set degree = (
select count(*)
from #t1 t_alias
where t_alias.object_key = #t1.object_key and
t_alias.relative_id is not null and
t_alias.soft_link is null) — perform topological sorting
set @iter_no=1
while 1=1
update #t1 set [email protected]_no where degree=0
— end the loop if no more rows left to process
if (@@rowcount=0) break
update #t1 set degree=NULL where rank = @iter_no update #t1 set degree = (
select count(*)
from #t1 t_alias
where t_alias.object_key = #t1.object_key and
t_alias.relative_key is not null and
t_alias.relative_key in (select t_alias2.object_key from #t1 t_alias2 where t_alias2.rank=0 and t_alias2.soft_link is null) and
t_alias.rank=0 and t_alias.soft_link is null)
where degree is not null set @[email protected]_no+1
end –add name schema
update #t1 set object_name = o.name, object_schema = schema_name(o.schema_id)
from sys.objects AS o
where o.object_id = #t1.object_id and object_type in ( @u, @udf, @v, @sp, @def, @rule, @uda) update #t1 set relative_type = case op.type when ‘V’ then @v else @u end, object_name = o.name, object_schema = schema_name(o.schema_id), relative_name = op.name, relative_schema = schema_name(op.schema_id)
from sys.objects AS o
join sys.objects AS op on op.object_id = o.parent_object_id
where o.object_id = #t1.object_id and object_type = @tr update #t1 set object_name = t.name, object_schema = schema_name(t.schema_id)
from sys.types AS t
where t.user_type_id = #t1.object_id and object_type in ( @uddt, @udt ) update #t1 set object_name = x.name, object_schema = schema_name(x.schema_id)
from sys.xml_schema_collections AS x
where x.xml_collection_id = #t1.object_id and object_type = @xml update #t1 set object_name = p.name, object_schema = null
from sys.partition_schemes AS p
where p.data_space_id = #t1.object_id and object_type = @part_sch
update #t1 set object_name = p.name, object_schema = null
from sys.partition_functions AS p
where p.function_id = #t1.object_id and object_type = @part_func update #t1 set object_name = a.name, object_schema = null
from sys.assemblies AS a
where a.assembly_id = #t1.object_id and object_type = @assm update #t1 set object_name = syn.name, object_schema = schema_name(syn.schema_id)
from sys.synonyms AS syn
where syn.object_id = #t1.object_id and object_type = @synonym — delete objects for which we could not resolve the table name or schema
— because we may not have enough privileges
delete from #t1
object_name is null or
(object_schema is null and object_type not in (@assm, @part_func, @part_sch)) –final select
select object_id, object_type, relative_id, relative_type, object_name, object_schema, relative_name, relative_schema
from #t1
order by rank, relative_id drop table #t1
drop table #tempdep IF @must_set_nocount_off > 0
set nocount off MohammedU.
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by madduri</i><br /><br />Hi there,<br /><br />I am trying to find the tables from a database that are being used or not being used by the stored procedures. I am trying to clean up the database by deleting some unnecessary tables. Hence I would like to make sure that the tables are not being used by any of the stored procedures. Could someone help me out with a querry that can pull the table information used by the stored procedures.<br /><br />Thanks n regards,<br /><br />Madduri.<br /><hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"><br /><br /><br />There are no easy ways to deal with legacy database (tables) to identify and remove them. There are many cases that you have to check them manually by searching for ‘text’ in syscomments table (select distinct object_name(id) from syscomments where text like ‘%TableName%’). You can try this one also which identifies object dependencies based on your search string input.<br /><br /><pre id="code"><font face="courier" size="2" id="code"><br />Use DatabaseName<br />GO<br /><br /><br />CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.usp_CheckDependentObjects <br />@ObjName varchar(255) –object on which to identify dependencies<br />,@String varchar(120) –string used to search for dependencies <br />,@Debug bit = 0 –Lists only when @Debug=1 (@Debug=0 can cause problem when executing for object which has many dependencies.)<br /><br />AS <br />SET NOCOUNT ON <br />SET ANSI_WARNINGS ON <br />SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED<br /> <br />–|Local Variable Declaration<br />DECLARE @ObjType varchar(24) — type of object (stored proc, trigger) <br />,@Count int — record counter for cursor <br />,@Incr int– affected records counter <br /> <br /><br />–|Stored Procedure Code <br /> SET @Count = 0 <br /> SET @Incr = 0 <br /> SET @ObjName = ‘%’ + @ObjName + ‘%’ <br /> SET @String = ‘%’ + @String + ‘%’ <br /> <br /><br />–|Create temp table to hold the list of referencing objects <br />IF object_id(‘tempdb..#tmpReferences’,’u’) IS NOT NULL <br />DROP TABLE #tmpReferences <br />CREATE TABLE #tmpReferences <br />( <br />ObjName varchar(255) <br />,ObjType varchar(12<img src=’/community/emoticons/emotion-11.gif’ alt=’8)’ /> <br />) <br /> <br /> –|Get all the objects that reference the target object in the code <br />INSERT INTO #tmpReferences <br />(<br />ObjName<br />,ObjType<br />) <br />SELECT DISTINCT name, xtype <br />FROMsysobjects as so <br />JOINsyscomments as sc <br />ONsc.id = so.id <br />WHERE TEXT LIKE @objname ORDER BY xtype <br /> <br />SELECT @Incr= count(*) <br />FROM#tmpReferences <br /> <br />PRINT ‘There are’ + str(@Incr) + ‘ objects referencing ‘ + @objname <br />PRINT ” <br /> <br /> IF @Debug = 1 <br /> BEGIN <br />SELECT ObjName, <br />CASE ObjType <br />when ‘P’ then ‘Stored Procedure'<br />when ‘Fn’ then ‘User Defined Function'<br />when ‘U’ then ‘User Table'<br />when ‘V’ then ‘View'<br />when ‘Tr’ then ‘Trigger'<br />when ‘D’ then ‘Default'<br />ELSE ‘Unknown Object Type'<br />END AS ‘Object Type’ <br />FROM#tmpReferences <br />RETURN <br /> END <br /><br /> –|Create temp table to hold the list of referencing objects code<br /> IF object_id(‘tempdb..#tmpTextObject’,’u’) IS NOT NULL <br />DROP TABLE #tmpTextObject<br /> CREATE TABLE #tmpTextObject <br />(<br />RowID int identity<br />,Obj_Text varchar(8000)<br />) <br /> <br /> –Declare Cursor to go through each referencing object in detail <br /> DECLARE cursReferences CURSOR <br /> FOR <br /><br />SELECT ObjName, ObjType <br />FROM #tmpReferences <br /> <br />FOR READ ONLY <br />OPEN cursReferences <br /> <br /> FETCH NEXT FROM cursReferences <br /> INTO @ObjName, @ObjType <br /> <br /> WHILE @@fetch_status = 0 <br />BEGIN <br /> <br />–|Add the procedure code to the table <br />INSERT#tmpTextObject <br />EXEC sp_helptext @ObjName <br /> <br />–|Check for the presence of search string within the referencing object’s code <br />[email protected] = count(*) <br />FROM#tmpTextObject <br />WHEREObj_Text LIKE @String <br /> <br />IF @Incr > 0 <br />BEGIN <br /> <br />PRINT str(@Count) + ‘. ‘ + @ObjName + ‘. Type = ‘ + @ObjType <br />PRINT ” <br /> <br />–|Select from the lines of code that have the string <br />SELECT* <br />FROM#tmpTextObject <br />WHEREObj_Text LIKE @String <br /> <br />–Truncate temp table <br />TRUNCATE TABLE #tmpTextObject <br /> END <br /> <br />–increment the counter <br />SET @[email protected]+1 <br /> <br />FETCH NEXT FROM cursReferences <br />INTO @ObjName, @ObjType <br />END <br /> <br />CLOSE cursReferences <br /> DEALLOCATE cursReferences <br /> <br />RETURN <br /></font id="code"></pre id="code"><br /><br /><pre id="code"><font face="courier" size="2" id="code"><br />Thanks,<br /><br />Name<br />——— <br />Dilli Grg <br /><br />(1 row(s) affected)<br /></font id="code"></pre id="code">
Thank you for your answers. In sql server 2005 I found an option called view dependencies ( right click on table). This is giving a list of all the depending objects. I hope this should be the same as the results we get through the querries. If so this should be the easiest solution to my question. Any Suggestions? Thanks, Madduri
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by madduri</i><br /><br />Thank you for your answers.<br /><br />In sql server 2005 I found an option called view dependencies ( right click on table). This is giving a list of all the depending objects. I hope this should be the same as the results we get through the querries. If so this should be the easiest solution to my question.<br /><br />Any Suggestions?<br /><br />Thanks,<br /><br />Madduri<br /><hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"><br /><br />Like I said, there will be a manual process you have to do. But, what if you don’t have permission to view dependency objects in production and you are not certain that the schema is same for dev and production? Shouldn’t you create generic script and run no matter what environment it is? Just my two cents. [<img src=’/community/emoticons/emotion-5.gif’ alt=’‘ />]<br /><br /><pre id="code"><font face="courier" size="2" id="code"><br />Thanks,<br /><br />Name<br />——— <br />Dilli Grg <br /><br />(1 row(s) affected)<br /></font id="code"></pre id="code">
Thats great! I ran the querry and i got more dependencies than i got it through view dependencies option. I am an admin and i have server wide access. I wonder what makes the difference. Thank you all so much! regards, madduri