Taskpad view shows incorrect Complete Backup Date | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Taskpad view shows incorrect Complete Backup Date

hi, our database server is scheduled CST time. we r running the full backup once a day at 4 PM, 4 differential back ups every 6 six hours starting 9 PM and hourly transaction log backup starting 6.30 PM and ending 3.30 PM. At max it takes 1 hour for the full back up to complete. But in the Taskpad view the last backup time shown is almost 5 hours late than the actual time of backup. Why this is so?
As those are schedule backups, there is a job which will run at that time.
can you check that time whether it correct. if that is also incorrect and same as the task pad view time check the servers clock

no, the job run time, the time in the event viewer and the one in the SQL server log match with each other. The only trouble is with the Taskpad view only.
I’m sure this is another flaky feature of enterprise manager, its better to check the execution times using SP_HELP_JOBHISTORY using query analyzer and not to stick with GUI results. I never trust or take it granted valued displayed on ENterprise Manager, QA is another tool to go with the best. Satya SKJ
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I cross-checked this dates with following query, but it gave me the same result as is shown in the taskpad SELECT B.name as Database_Name, ISNULL(STR(ABS(DATEDIFF(day, GetDate(),
MAX(Backup_finish_date)))), ‘NEVER’) as DaysSinceLastBackup,
ISNULL(Convert(char(20), MAX(backup_finish_date)), ‘NEVER’) as LastBackupDate
FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases B
LEFT OUTER JOIN msdb.dbo.backupset A
ON A.database_name = B.name AND A.type = ‘D’ GROUP BY B.Name ORDER BY B.name
Confirm the SQL server locale settings. Satya SKJ
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.