Temp db Full | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Temp db Full

I running in the dts heavy queries continuity Each retrive lots of data
But my tempDB getting full and stop all the process
What can i do to avoid that.
What are default size settings for TEMPDB?
Did you get error 1105? For information refer this link http://www.sql-server-performance.com/tempdb.asp] _________
Satya SKJ

There is no limit for the tempdb And the query runs once in amonth
How about the disk space left?
What is the growth rate percentage specified for TEMPDB?
Any other information from SQL Error log. _________
Satya SKJ

There is a limitation on the disk This is way i want to make shrink script on the dts
The error log reports that the tempdb is full
I don’t have a lot of information to go on, but I would take a look at the DTS packages and see if there is any way to reduce the use of the tempdb. Often, but not always, running out of tempdb space indicates poor query design. ——————
Brad M. McGehee