Temp table in transaction (9.0) | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Temp table in transaction (9.0)

Sorry, I realized I posted in the wrong forum, what I am trying to do is on 2005 (9.0 SP1), so here goes: I wrote some stored procedures that are accessed in an SSIS package. The entire package is run under one transaction, so all the sproc’s are in one transaction. Inside the sproc’s I use a lot of temp tables (#). My question is this: Am I locking system tables by creating the temp tables from within a transaction? According to this article I am: http://www.sqlservercentral.com/columnists/dasanka/temptablesinsqlserver.asp but in testing I cannot simulate the possible problematic lock. I have been searching for some documentation on this but have had no luck. Thanks,
here are some resources
http://www.sql-server-performance.com/temp_tables.asp —————————————-