Test row width and redirect error rows | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Test row width and redirect error rows

I have a fixed width flat file with a row width of 1287. It has ~6 million rows and I want to import it using SSIS. The catch is that my client wants each row tested for length and wants a row to fail (be redirected to an error table) if the row length does not = 1287 exactly. I set up a Flat File Connection Manager and set the row width to 1287 and set all my column markers and this works fine. But if I type some extra characters in row 1 in the last column making the row 1290 in length, rather than fail it takes the last 3 characters and puts them in column 1 of row 2, shifting every column of every row off by 3 characters. It basically wraps the data. Is there any way to test each row for length and get it to redirect rows of incorrect length to a database table? thanks, dn
[B)] daustinash
[email protected]