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trans. repl.

i set this up for the first time yesterday in sql server 2000 std. getting an error in replication Monitor. "could not find stored procedure sp_MS_upd_Individual_Organization" why is it looking for this? this is not an sp we created.
Take help from this KBA to solve the issue. Satya SKJ
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.
Before you install this hotfix, follow these steps: 1. Back up system databases.
2. Reinstall SQL Server 2000.
3. Install this hotfix.
4. Restore system databases. what the ****????????
Bfarr Kindly refrain usage of such words in the forum, I know it is frustating sometimes to follow such workaround. The steps defined before the installation of this hotfix is a pre-cautionary measure to get the system back where it was previously. If your SQL installationis upto date with SP3 or SP3a then you may proceed to apply the hotfix and the steps mentoned in the KBA is for pre SP3a installation. Satya SKJ
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.
so this hotfix HAS to be aplied? (everyone does this?) i have sql 2000 standard w/ SP3 on there now.
i cannot just put on SP3a and this error will go away??

Is the replication is working properly even though the error is displayed? The specified hotfix must be applied, if :
• The Queue Reader Agent service may fail with an Access Violation.
• You may receive an error message that is similar to the following:
Server: ServerName, Database DatabaseName:
ODBC Error: Could not find stored procedure ”<garbage characters>”.
• You may also find some transactions in the MSreplication_queue table that are never processed. Typically, this behavior occurs under high load conditions. Because most changes introduced in SP3a are related to Setup, you do not need to apply SP3a to instances of SQL Server 2000 or MSDE 2000 that have already been upgraded to SP3.
Satya SKJ
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.
no its not making that transaction on the subsctiber. so no need to put on SP3a. so everyone who sets up tran. rep. on SQL Server 2000 STG has to apply this hotfix.
hard to believe.
Not compulsory to apply the hotfix and only necessary if they are getting the above specified errors/symptoms. Satya SKJ
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.
so why am i getting the error? "could not find stored procedure sp_MS_upd_Individual_Organization"

why when i go into Articles, then to a table,
"Table Article Properties – Address" for example. Under the Commands tab. all those check boxes are selected. "Replace INSERT commands with this stored procedure call:" i assume this is why i am having this problem.
please explain.
It looks like that might be a problem as I feel destination table doesn’t have to have the same name or the same owner. Try to uncheck those options and schedule it again. Satya SKJ
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.
i just set all article defaults to not use sp’s. still same error. wierd.

acquired the hot fix and applied it to the 2 instances and also rebooted the server. still the same error message.

I cannot reproduce the same error at my end and the last resort is to contact MS PSS to obtain correction to the issue. Satya SKJ
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.
i am using Windows 2003 Server
SQL Server 2000 Standard, SP3. (dual instance) i wonder why i am getting this error. Has to be a setup step causing this.
what’s the best way to clean up all this replication stuff now and start from scratch? i think that may be the best option before calling PSS.

scripted out the drop and created. noticed all was cleaned up except the subscription on the subscriber.

got it working. scripts……
i heard that identity fields are a problem with trans. rep. i cna replicate transactions fine that have identity fields. is there an issue with identity fields??
