Trouble with comm.execute | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Trouble with comm.execute

I have experienced a problem using VB6 with SQL 6.5 over NT4.
Using a stored procedure to update data the .execute fails every second update but when I trap the error and repeat it seems to go OK
The records are retrieved using selected search criteria
& held in memory in an array (size depends on search criteria selected). I Only had ten test records.
I have cleared out the records from the database and started again and now cannot generate the error!Only two records now
Any ideas
All other updates from different forms and recordsets work OK using
.ActiveConnection = conn Code snippet
….. With comm
.ActiveConnection = conn
.CommandText = strUpdateSQL
Set .ActiveConnection = Nothing
End With
End If Exit Sub Errlabel:
Select Case Err.Number
Case 94 ‘ replaces null value with zero length string in controls
ctl = ""
Resume Next
Case -2147217885, -2147217887, -2147217900
Resume Next
Case -2147467259 ‘updates second time through
With comm
.ActiveConnection = conn
.CommandText = strUpdateSQL
Set .ActiveConnection = Nothing
End With
Exit Sub
Case Else
MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description & Chr(13) & Err.Source
End Select End Sub
What is the error message when the update fails? /Argyle
quote:Originally posted by Argyle What is the error message when the update fails? /Argyle
Since I cleared out data cannot recreate error as yet.
Error number is -2147467259
However source was ODBC Driver
problem was something to do with TCP/IP on server connection or something like that. I cannot remember exact text.
I have disabled error handler so when it occurs I will get a screen grab of the message.
Sorry I cannot be of more help Peter R