troubleshooting maintenance plans | SQL Server Performance Forums

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troubleshooting maintenance plans

I have a job that runs every day at 02:15 — backs up a few databases and deletes files older than two days.However it seems that on the weekends it doesnt allow some databses to be backed up and doesnt delete files older that two days. I have checked with network administrators as to whether they are running anything at that time — nothing! The only thing in the log that may help point to the problem is: Process ID 54 killed by hostname DB02, host process ID 2572.This recurs many times around the time that the job is being processed — but I have searched the internet and cant get any real solution.This is becoming impossible to troubleshoot Any advice would be greatly appreciated thanks
Maybe you have an external monitoring program set to kill long running transactions. Something on machine DB02 is killing the proccess (if that is the backup process). You could create a small scripts that log all activities in master.dbo.sysprocesses every minute during the weekend so you can see which processes and servers are loging on and performing activities.
could you give me an example of a script that I could use or reference to a site thanks
This is one of the issue with maintenance plans, you may deploy the method used by Tara from this link. Satya SKJ
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