troubleshooting objects and finding dlls | SQL Server Performance Forums

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troubleshooting objects and finding dlls

Hey guys, How would I know which DLL was used in the DTS package? SET ldown = Createobject("some.thing") This is only an example. So which .DLL then is being used by some.thing? Thanks!
Hi ya The object should be listed in Component Services, but to find the dll being invoked you may need to search the registry to find the localserver key for that object Cheers
Search the registry for: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTsome.thingCLSID
Here is the ID in format {397DF67D-3D7B-4387-91E7-F35A3F864F7F} Then find: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTCLSID{397DF67D-3D7B-4387-91E7-F35A3F864F7F}InprocServer32
There is the path: C:my_dllssomething.dll