Two different collations in a table | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Two different collations in a table

I need to create a table with two diff collations.. like id bigint
name1 varchar(200) Cyrillic_General_BIN (windows collation)
name2 varchar(200) SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS (SQL default collation) when i am storing data into this table.. its fine, like: – insert into table1 values(1, ‘ýëåêòðîííûé îïðîñíèê äëÿ âûÿñíåíèÿ íóæä è ïîòðåáíîñòåé’,’Deepak Kumar’) but while selecting records its showing me changed data.. 1??????????? ???????? ??? ????????? ???? ? ????????????Deepak Kumar what should i do to store exactly same windows collations and selecting too.. I have not work much on this regard.. please give me some links too where from i can get more knowledge on this.. Deepak Kumar –An eye for an eye and everyone shall be blind
May check this article for information. Satya SKJ
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