Unable to connect ….. | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Unable to connect …..

Scenario :<br /> 2 node x64 Windows 2003 sp1<br /> <br /> 2 instances of SQL2005 X64 sp1<br /><br />SQLBrowser running on both nodes <br /><br />All instances hosted at one node<br /><br />Install new sql2005 x64 instance at the "empty" node.<br /><br />—-<br /><br />After install (and activation) of another sql2005 x64 instance, noone is able to connect to the existing (and active) sql2005 instances of the cluster. [<img src=’/community/emoticons/emotion-6.gif’ alt=’:(‘ />][<img src=’/community/emoticons/emotion-6.gif’ alt=’:(‘ />!][xx(]<br /><br />After stop/start of SQLBrowser at the node, not hosting the new instance, everything works fine again. [B)]<br /><br />Is this by design [?]<br />
hi, i had the same kind of problem with SQL 2005 (but not using a x64 instance)
have a look at this article
hopla, there goes high availability !