User and table statistics | SQL Server Performance Forums

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User and table statistics

As a newbie to SQL Server I am trying to find a way of gatherings statistic on user and table use. Inparticular what tables are being used the most, what user is doing the most transactions and general user and table stats. Is there any inbuilt tools to do this or is a third party tool my best option. If so how do I find it. Cheers Angus

inbuilt tools would be SQLProfiler which is able to trace object access, I’ve no idea how easy the data is to analyse though 3rd party I’m guessing would be log file analyser tools. I’m pretty sure that there are some listed on this site under 3rd party tools. Cheers
True, PROFILER is only tool is used to monitor the activity on the database wide. But this may have few limitations on performance basis if you want to monitor the activity on regular basis if the server is already stressed. Lumigent’s ENTEGRA is the tool which audits the database activity, but its expensive and as Twan referred review information under Third party tools forum section or this in this website. Satya SKJ
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