Users having trouble accessing my SQL Server | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Users having trouble accessing my SQL Server

Hello, I am running SQL Server 7.0 SP4, running on an NT Server 4.0 machine, and my users connect to this database using Access 2000. Whenever a user opens up the database, they keep getting the following error: Connection failed:
SQL State: ‘28000’
SQL Server Error: 18452
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Login failed for user ‘[null]’
Reason: Not associated with an associated SQL Server connection. Administrators can access the server using Access with no problem, but regular users cannot. I have the security on the server to allow users to connect to the server using Windows NT logon credentials. I changed it to that from allowing users to login using SQL and Windows NT credentials, hoping that may fix my problem. My users only connect using their Windows NT credentials. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
You need give each individual user account access in the database on the SQL server. Administrators are being able to connect since you most likely still have the BUILTINAdministrator account on the SQL Server. If you already have done this, then please post what your connection string looks like. In the connectionstring you need to use the Trusted_Connection=yes parameter if you want to use Windows Authentication. If you are going to use sql server authentication you need to enter both sql login and password. /Argyle
One of the KBA refers:
This problem is more likely to occur when both Multi-Protocol and TCP/IP sockets
trusted connections are attempted from the same client computer. Connection stress
also makes the problem more likely to occur.
Use one of the following workarounds:
– Use trusted connections over named pipes where appropriate.
– Disable multiprotocol for SQL Server using the Server Network Utility.

HTH _________
Satya SKJ
