Veritas Backup Sol/Sql backup Sol | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Veritas Backup Sol/Sql backup Sol

Hai all, I prefer to go for Sql server backup sol i.e Maintenance plan and Backup database
etc.. than Veritas Backup Solution. One of my friends view is go for Veritas.
My view is though we go for veritas backup it also use Backup command of sql
internally. Is there any diff. Which opt is better. Ur views pl. Thanks.
If the disk space is enough or afford to provide an alternative solution to store backups on another server, then you can adopt both the options. I don’t have exp. with Veritas product but can say no hassle product and by default using SQL BACKUP/RESTORE solution you will be at your own and always test the procedures well, before going to production. HTH _________
Satya SKJ
