what is a process? | SQL Server Performance Forums

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what is a process?

Can any one esplain all abot process..and its all attributes
Have a look in Books Online. These kind of things are explained in full in there. There are no shortcuts.. we all have to learn by making loads of effort.. Tom Pullen
DBA, Oxfam GB
A lot of people tend to confuse threads and processes. Since they are fundamental to the whole Windows environment, you might want to check MSDN and/or TechNet. Lots of useful information waiting there for you. —

By running SP_WHO or SP_WHO2 SQL Server displays a list of current processes on your server, the status of each process, who initiated it (by login ID), the database that the process is using, and the SQL command that the process is running. SQL Server assigns a unique number to each process; this unique number is called a server process ID ("spid").
Satya SKJ
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