What is ObjectID 0 (zero)? | SQL Server Performance Forums

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What is ObjectID 0 (zero)?

I have been running SQL Profiler on one of my SQL Server 2000
databases to determine where we may have slow stored procedures. One
thing I have noticed is that periodically there are Lock:Timeout
events recorded, but sometimes the ObjectId is listed as 0 (zero).
What does this mean? What is ObjectId 0? There are no records in sysobjects with id 0. Thanks Bryan Goossen
NNC Group

Refer to this SQLMAG article http://www.sqlmag.com/Articles/Index.cfm?ArticleID=23016] for information. _________
Satya SKJ

Thanks, but the article mentioned does not answer my question. It simply says what the column means, which is "ID of the object on which the lock was timed out.". My problem is that the ObjectID that is reported has a value of 0 (zero), and there is no such object with an ID of zero.
have you checked ObjectName and ObjectType profiler columns also ? I very much expect they will be blank also, but its worth checking.
I have now checked ObjectName and ObjectType also, and you are right, they are both blank.